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Writer's picture: edbethuneedbethune


We hope you are safe and well.

The times we are living in are unprecedented, and you will be aware that the Waggonway Heritage Group has been forced to cease all our normal public activities until such time as lockdown restrictions allow us to resume.

We have been able to do some solo work on projects within the museum, to ensure it is looking it's best and the new and improved sections are ready for you to see when we are able to open again. Plans are being made for how we safely operate when the time comes, but we await news from the government about when that might be.

But even when we do return to museum opening, it is likely that large gatherings of people will not be possible for some time.

We have therefore made the decision to postpone the AGM (which usually takes place in June) until such time as circumstances allow us to congregate in suitable numbers. It is an unusual decision, but these are unusual times. The committee will continue to meet online via Zoom, and we will continue to issue updates and news online in the meantime. If the long term prospects of meeting up in significnt numbers look bleak, we will look at other options of how to conduct the business of the AGM.

Our treasurer, Bryan Hickman, will finalise the annual financial data report in the coming weeks - this will be circulated via email to members.

In the meantime, please do renew your membership - we know that meny of you have already done so early, which is a big help to the group at this time. To renew online, please click here:

Also available in the online shop are options to purchase books and also to donate additional funds to the project - we would ecourage any of these as great ways to ensure that we maintain financial viability and come out the other side of the pandemic just as strong as before.

If you are a subscribing member, but did not receive this notice by email, please email us to let us know at

Thanks again for supporting the Waggonway Project.

Best wishes & Stay Safe

Ed, Gareth, Bryan, Gillian, Alan, Gary, Annie, Sheila, Malcolm, Penny & Aaron

The Waggonway Project

Community led by the 1722 Waggonway Heritage Group

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